Monday, December 17, 2007


Yesterday at the welcome home party for my brother, my sis-in-law noticed that part of Big Sis' eyebrow was missing. I immediately started laughing (I know bad bad mom). Then I asked her what happened. "Nothing mom, I didn't do nothing". I wandered up stairs to the bathroom to compose myself and try to find evidence. My brother's razor was lying out. So I figured that was what she must have done. I went back downstairs and she still wouldn't fess up, just continued to lie.

The truth it turns out is even worse. The other day DH found her with my razor. She was running it through her hair and hair was falling out. He confronted her and told her that she shouldn't play with mom's razor. I had cleaned the bathroom Friday and thrown my old razor in the garbage (once again bad mom), which is where apparently Big Sis had found it. She is so lucky that she didn't cut herself. When my mother remarked to her how lucky she was that she didn't get hurt, Big Sis replied "I know lucky girls are really careful".

Lessons learned, depose of razors properly, teach kids about their danger, and teach Big Sis about telling lies. (I still can't believe she full on lied to me)

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