Monday, October 27, 2008

My Reasons for Voting Yes on Prop 8

I thought I'd share why I'm voting yes on Prop 8.

- to preserve my religious freedoms
- to preserve my freedom of speech
- to have the right to decided what moral values my children will be taught in school
- to support the divine institution of marriage, between a man and a woman

Here are some sites and videos I have perused.

Preserving Marriage (check out the videos)
I Protect Marriage (take the quiz)
Protect Marriage


Anonymous said...

the videos you saw might scare anyone into voting yes. but here's a list of refutations, indicating that by CA law, most of those fears are unfounded:

in particular, prop 8 has nothing to do with what your children are taught, and doesn't curtail your right to worship as you please (ie, your religious freedom).

Robins Nest said...


I am not trying to scare anyone into voting yes on Prop 8. Rather I am stating my opinion and the reasons that I have come to that conclusion. How do you know what future implications Prop 8 holds for my religious freedom and the education of my children?

I'd rather not take the chance.

jen said...

Not to rock the boat but our religion believes in something that would not be considered a "traditional" marriage. Though not practiced today, still relevant. Weren't Mormons persecuted for their untraditional marriages? Just a thought. I'm glad I don't have to vote on prop 8!

Please enjoy... said...

I say yes on 8 too. That's not because I am LDS but because I do believe in God and believe he created us as Man and Woman to be completing each other and to have families together.

Yes on 8 does NOT mean hate. (I can love homosexual individuals as much as heterosexuals.)