Sunday, May 23, 2010

What is my problem?

You think I would learn from past mistakes. My poor kids. Lil Sis is getting ready for Kindergarten. Part of that includes immunizations. I thought she was up to date. Nope. SIX shots for the poor kid and she had blood taken for some labs. She remembered last years ordeal with Big Sis. The morning of her doctor's visit she exclaimed over breakfast that she wouldn't cry. She was true to her word. Only one second of a whimper at the beginning of her shots and then she held it together for the remaining time. The blood test was a little hard at first, but I think that's because she wouldn't look away. She really wanted to watch the nurse insert the needle. This is one time that her stubbornness could be considered a blessing.

Turns out that her cholesterol is a little high. We are going to have to watch her diet closely. I would never of thought that she would have a cholesterol problem. She is my healthy eater.

1 comment:

Please enjoy... said...

crazy - you guys eat so healthy, i would never think anyone that eats your food could possibably have high colesteral!
is she really going to start kindergarten? crazy!